Doll Cabinet

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A Pullip, BJD and MH doll collectors blog, filled with tips, reviews and news.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pullip Paja Outfit

Hello Pullip Lovers,

The first time I saw the Pullip Paja outfit I totally fell in love because of its cuteness. So I instantly bought it on eBay when I saw it, because it seems to be very hard to get since it's sold out everywhere. 

Anyway, today it finally arrived from America, which is a pretty long distance from here. I'm happy I didn't had to pay customs. 

I spent about 50€ (~56$) on it which is a pretty normal price for stock outfit sets. 
Furthermore it was totally worth it! It's as cute as shown on all pictures. 

Look at these cute details!

I put it on Lian (Isul Apollo), because his eyes fit so nicely. He can't wear the socks but everything fits perfectly and I think it looks gorgeous on him! 

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