Doll Cabinet

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A Pullip, BJD and MH doll collectors blog, filled with tips, reviews and news.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pullip Paja Outfit

Hello Pullip Lovers,

The first time I saw the Pullip Paja outfit I totally fell in love because of its cuteness. So I instantly bought it on eBay when I saw it, because it seems to be very hard to get since it's sold out everywhere. 

Anyway, today it finally arrived from America, which is a pretty long distance from here. I'm happy I didn't had to pay customs. 

I spent about 50€ (~56$) on it which is a pretty normal price for stock outfit sets. 
Furthermore it was totally worth it! It's as cute as shown on all pictures. 

Look at these cute details!

I put it on Lian (Isul Apollo), because his eyes fit so nicely. He can't wear the socks but everything fits perfectly and I think it looks gorgeous on him! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

New Dal Release: Sailor Saturn

The October seems to be the month of releases this year.
Groove decided to carry on their Sailor Moon series by releasing Sailor Saturn as a Dal. I think some people will be disappointed that they didn't make Sailor Saturn a Pullip, but as someone who doesn't know much about Sailor Moon and doesn't collect this line, I think she turned very cute. 
Just the same as the two new Baby The Stars Shine Bright Pullips, Dal Sailor Saturn's release will be in the end of October. 

Two new Pullips shown on Amiami!

Hello Pullip Fans,

Amiami seems to get new Pullip releases really early. Those to girls can be found on their website. They look gorgeous!

Looks like we get another version of La Robe Vert Clair: La Robe Vert Bleu Royal! Cute! 

And another version of Favorite Ribbon: Favorite Ribbon Chocolate Version! 

Both dolls will be released in the end of October. You can already preorder them on Amiami and get a 16% discount, so they're approximately 160$.