Doll Cabinet

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A Pullip, BJD and MH doll collectors blog, filled with tips, reviews and news.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pullip Paja Outfit

Hello Pullip Lovers,

The first time I saw the Pullip Paja outfit I totally fell in love because of its cuteness. So I instantly bought it on eBay when I saw it, because it seems to be very hard to get since it's sold out everywhere. 

Anyway, today it finally arrived from America, which is a pretty long distance from here. I'm happy I didn't had to pay customs. 

I spent about 50€ (~56$) on it which is a pretty normal price for stock outfit sets. 
Furthermore it was totally worth it! It's as cute as shown on all pictures. 

Look at these cute details!

I put it on Lian (Isul Apollo), because his eyes fit so nicely. He can't wear the socks but everything fits perfectly and I think it looks gorgeous on him! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

New Dal Release: Sailor Saturn

The October seems to be the month of releases this year.
Groove decided to carry on their Sailor Moon series by releasing Sailor Saturn as a Dal. I think some people will be disappointed that they didn't make Sailor Saturn a Pullip, but as someone who doesn't know much about Sailor Moon and doesn't collect this line, I think she turned very cute. 
Just the same as the two new Baby The Stars Shine Bright Pullips, Dal Sailor Saturn's release will be in the end of October. 

Two new Pullips shown on Amiami!

Hello Pullip Fans,

Amiami seems to get new Pullip releases really early. Those to girls can be found on their website. They look gorgeous!

Looks like we get another version of La Robe Vert Clair: La Robe Vert Bleu Royal! Cute! 

And another version of Favorite Ribbon: Favorite Ribbon Chocolate Version! 

Both dolls will be released in the end of October. You can already preorder them on Amiami and get a 16% discount, so they're approximately 160$. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pullip Seila Review

Hello little dolly lovers,

Today I want to review Pullip Seila for those who are interested in her.

The following pictures are not edited. I only made them a little bit smaller.
Let's start with her boxing.

Usually I'm not really interested in my dolls boxes because I can't wait to get the doll in my hands.
But unboxing Seila was really a pain. Because of her black clothing she is wrapped in plastic and tapes everywhere, so you have to completely undress her if you don't want that. And of course I don't want that since you can't pose your doll with it and it doesn't look so great.

Well after estimated hours of unboxing her, we can finally take a look on her wig.

Seila comes with a nice curly wig that has straight bangs. In her middle blond hair are some light blond highlights, so it looks more natural. The wig fits her really well, but there is a point that bothers me so I probably gonna rewig her. Let's take a look at her face-up to see why.

I am totally so in love with her sad looking eyebrows, that I think it's kinda sad that it is always covered with her bangs if you keep her wig. It was really one of the points I really wanted Seila, because except for Pullip Laura (I'm not really a fan of her) I haven't seen any other Pullips with those eyebrows so far that aren't custom dolls, so I think if I ever get a custom one I want those eyebrows! :D
Well, we can also see that she comes with two different eye colors similar to Pullip Noir. I actually always think of buying Noir too, give them the same wig and call them my little twins, but I'm not sure yet. :D
The shiny eyeshadow of Seila is also a great eye catcher on pictures with her eyes closed. I think her lips are supposed to look a little bit chapped, what really fits her well!
The face-up is really the most important thing on a doll, and I think Seila totally gets a 10/10!

Now let's take a look at her gothic-themed dress (she is a type 4 body by the way).

She wears a cross necklace, which you can't take off without open one of the rings by yourself, so my doll is damned to wear this necklace forever! :D

 She even got black painted nails!

 Over a black leggings she wears this black pants.

 Then there comes a layer of this fishnet petticoat.

 The last two layers you can see above are stitched together.

Her shoes are fully made of plastic. The laces are bendable, but seem to be very fragile. The ribbon on the left shoe felt off when I put her her shoes on the first time. If you want her to wear those shoes you have to put them on by yourself, which is a bit confusing first, but she won't wear them in her box.

Full front view of her outfit.

And the back view.

Seila comes with a lot of stuff. I think she is the Pullip that came with the most stuff by now compared to my other dolls.

Firstly, of course there is her birth card.

She has the same profile as any other Pullip and her 'Fell Like So' is "That somewhere, a prayer for you my dear. I was in here the whole time, but always watching you. Just for today I want to sleep at night wrapped friendly mood... Feel like so."

Next to a dark red doll stand she comes with this stuff:

- black poncho
- black headband
- black ribbon
- gold bird cage
- stuffed animal
- a book that is not openable
- a key with a lace on it
- hair extensions

This is how she looks with the extensions and ribbon:

To sum it up: Seila is a really nice detailed doll in a gothic style, that comes with a lot of stuff. I'm very proud to call her one of my dolls because I think she is totally worth it!

To see more pictures of Seila check out my latest shooting here.

Seila Shooting

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

October Release: Pullip Alura

Pullip Alura will be the new release for october. She is the counter part of Pullip Laura. She is - as her counter part - a collaboration between the British photographer Laura and the Japanese designer Momolita and in my opinion a really stunning doll!

As you can see she comes with those two different outfits and is already available for preorder here.
Her 'Feel Like So' is "Training the animals is my favorite part of our Gothic Circus....Watching them amaze the crowd with our tricks makes my heart sing.... Feel Like So." 
The Japanese Pullip Blog says that her quantity will be limited, but I hope after her release she will be also available at other shops around the world.

In the Japanese KERA SHOP you can even get Aluras outfit for yourself!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Redo Monster High/Barbie Hair without Heat?

Since someone on the Animo Toys app wanted to use the same method I used with the Kanekalon wig of my Pullip to redo her Mattel dolls curls and I wasn't sure if it works I tried it on 3 different Monster High dolls.

Well first, it really works, but the result of every doll is very different. It really depends on how well-curled the doll was before. 

First I tried it on Vandala. 


And after: 

Her hair isn't that frizzy anymore but as you can see she hasn't really the curly curls. She got little waves, but I think it fits her kinda slimy pirate style. 

Secondly I tried it on Viperine.



I think it turned out really well if you consider it's completely made without heat. Those aren't really the most curly curls in the world, but it looks definitely better than before! 

At last, here is how River turned out. 



Well since her hair isn't naturally curly I think it's better to use the popular boiling method here and just give her completely straight hair. 

If you wonder how to do the without heat method for curls click here

Saturday, August 22, 2015

1:6 Dolls Kitchen - Cheap Crafting

Hello little dolly lovers,

I know I am not really good at crafting but this was my first try to build a kitchen for my dollies.

I came to the idea because I saw a Steffie Love Kitchen with doll for just 9.99€ (~11$) and a Barbie microwave set and a tea set in the sale section at a local toy store.

All I really did was painting a cardboard box in which one of my dolls arrived at my house.

I decided to give it mint and pink walls so I had to paint the brown box white first. I used acrylic paint to paint everything.

I took a ruler to give my floor a tiles pattern.

After everything was dry I gave the kitchen two windows and crafted window frames out of thin cardboard.
A friend crafted me a nice little shelf that was also made of thin cardboard. I painted it pink and glued it on the wall so I could put the Barbie microwave in it.

The next day my dolls could enjoy their little kitchen. :)

My Pullip Akemi fits in perfectly and my doll Miyu got Steffies pinafore.
And my niece got the Steffie doll as one of her first dolls that doesn't represent babys and she loves her. :)